Saving money to pay for college is a daunting proposition even if you’re reasonably well off financially.
Going back to ancient times, elders preached about the wisdom of saving money. In the modern era, three primary saving objectives have emerged for most people: (1) saving for retirement; (2) saving for your children’s college educations; and (3) saving for emergencies.
Withum Wealth Management advisor, Tom Farrell, CFP®, CEPA, was featured on CBS News in the article Smaller Tax Refunds Don’t Mean Higher Tax Payments.
2018 put the cliche “It’s a bull market somewhere” to the test. Instead it proved to be the year where there was no place to hide.
As we write to you in October summarizing the previous calendar quarter we need to break protocol and begin with a discussion of the first half of October.
Coney Island’s Cyclone roller coaster is a fasten your seat belts type ride that boasts: “get ready to shake, rattle, rumble…. featuring 12 drops and 27 elevation changes that still has the stuff to take your breath away.”
2017 began amid several geopolitical and economic worries, most of which did not materialize.
After ten years of significant levels of monetary accommodation, the Federal Reserve (Fed) has finally announced the long-anticipated unwinding of their $4.5 trillion balance sheet.
THE MESSAGE TRUMPS THE MESSENGER In the U.S., politics continue to capture headlines and consume investor attention.