After the chaos fueled first presidential debate, many Americans did not know what to expect ahead of last Thursday’s round two faceoff between Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden and President Donald Trump. What we witnessed was an exhausting yet civil and much more productive presidential debate. Phew, what a relief! Some might argue that the key to the debate’s success was not the addition of a mute button but the moderator, Kristen Welker.
This past week, Apple announced the new iPhone lineup that most notably included capabilities for 5G network and speed. This was a largely anticipated event, with over 1.8million people tuning in around the world to watch their new release. This annual event has really become a world-wide spectacle, but is it warranted?
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Eddie Van Halen passed away last week after a long and hard-fought battle with cancer. Mr. Van Halen was one of the most innovative and exciting geniuses to ever wield a guitar and will undoubtedly be remembered forever. For a more traditional obituary, feel free to jump over to the great piece put out by the NY Times, however in our own Withum Wealth style, we will pay tribute in another, financially oriented way.
This past week, there were some major developments reminding us that COVID is still impacting our daily lives. Cases are rising again in many cities in the US and around the globe – Europe seems to be at the start of a second wave – and news was released that our President and the First Lady have tested positive for the virus. While the summer brought about a sense of normalcy for many, there is no question that this virus is far from gone.
With the rise of streaming giants and in an era of cord cutting, many were questioning the longer-term sustainability of movie theaters. Throw in a global pandemic where no one should be closer than six feet, and we are seeing many technology-driven trends accelerate to new extremes and some old guard businesses continue to decline. Movie theaters are no exception.
Due to the COVID pandemic, our financial situation might have changed and it will be important to review your current situation and make appropriate adjustments.
TikTok, known in China as Douyin, is a video-sharing social networking service that has a forced deadline ahead with potentially long-lasting political and economic implications.
Growing older is one of those things that happens to everyone but most of us are too busy dealing with what is going on now to give it much thought. Successful aging requires not only being financially prepared but also assessing and adapting to the physical and mental challenges that may occur over time. It also requires acting early, planning to discuss and anticipate common aging-related life challenges, and making sure all legal documents are in place.